Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Don Imus and "Hos"

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. Barry Goldwater

Many words have been written and spoken about radio and televison host Don Imus calling the Rutgers basketball team "hos". The team's players are black women. Imus used a word that was created by black men. The word has the same meaning if used by a black man as a white man. No one complained about black men using the word, so why such a frenzied attack against a white man who uses a word that has long been used in the black community?

The answer may be that everyone likes to be a victim. But to be a victim one needs a perpetrator. The perpetrators can be big business, the rich, the famous, or some institution. The majority of the population, whites, have been silenced with guilt about saying anything negative about a minority group. The only ethnic and gender group left to attack is the white male. The white male is the only group that can be denigrated on TV. White men are demonized, women and other minorities are diagnosed.

Envy is another cause for pretending to be a victim. Many women and minorities have often perceived men as having power, especially white men. They saw white men in successful and powerful roles. White men; the great explorers, artists, and scientists, were displayed in American culture as powerful. Seen by American women and minorities, this image of power has created envy. The women and minorities fail to see the culture they live in is better off because of white males of the past. Many black Africans wish their ancestors were slaves brought to the United States because life in America, even for a black, is better than a miserable life in Africa. Yet the envy persists. Envy does not go quietly.

Playing the victim status is a simply way to excuse one for their own failures. When one gains victim status it is only a matter of time until the blackmail begins. Welfare and grants for women and minorities voters are a form of blackmail.

In years past in totalitarian governments and primitive tribes, victims had very little power. In a democracy the victims can vote and gain benefits. This system rewards those in a democracy who claim to be victims. The result is more victims and more political power. Everyone in America is allowed to be a victim, everyone that is, except white males.

Today, April 13, is Thomas Jefferson's birthday. Not one word in the media have I seen about the birthday of the man who wrote one of the greatest documents in history. I guess now he is, in this political correct society, just another DWM (Dead White Male).

Bilbo Baggins


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