Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Why Liberals Love the Downtrodden

Nothing written here requires scientific data to back up my opinion.

I thought about why liberals favor the downtrodden. I seem to recall somewhere, maybe Thomas Sowell's, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy (1995) was where I read something about liberals can gain moral validity for their causes by showing sympathy for the downtrodden.

I believe it was Sowell who said many of the liberals were good in high school and were encouraged to go to college and change the world. Other poor students with ADD would end up starting their own business and making a lot of money. The good students who were working 30 hour weeks as college professors became envious, a deadly sin, of the success of the poor students. The anointed simply wanted some of the money earned by the poor students. After all, the bright students had been told they were the best.

One of those who did not go to college but became rich is Dick Portillo, who owns some restaurants in the Chicago area. My son went to high school with one of Portillo's sons.

Another example of this I believe is in Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad". I did not read that book.

We should also ask what attracts people to authoritarians? The post about moderates in different cultures allowing the authoritarians to take over is true. Many people develop the Stockholm syndrome and join the authoritarians as a way to survive. I believe this happened in Japan, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union. Unless the moderate Muslims speak out it will happen in some Muslim societies.

Joining an authoritarian group to survive could not happen in America. No way, right? We Americans are different from other humans. Besides, we have something the Shintos, Nazis, and Bolsheviks did not have. We have gallant warriors like me who are dedicated to protecting women's honor, preserving liberty, and destroying evil. TENNOUHEIKA BANZAI!

Now I must go pursue my beautiful Dulcinea.

Don Quixote


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