Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Gun Control

There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty. John Adams

Many city mayors are calling for gun control. In Washington D. C. They banned guns completely, only to be overturned by the 2nd Circuit Court.

Some people think banning guns will change the evil character of humans to virtuous character.
Many people support gun control. They fail to see what happened to slaves who could not own guns. They fail to see what happened to the Jews in Germany who could not own guns. The peasants in Cuba cannot own guns. All tyrannical regimes refuse to allow its citizens to own guns. Yet the State owns guns, and the State kills more people than individuals kill people.

If the citizens of any city are not allowed to own guns, you can bet the politicians and other city employees will own guns. The Mayor will be allowed to carry a gun. Judges, animal control personnel, family services personnel, all will be allowed to carry guns. Are their lives more important than the lives of ordinary citizens? Do their lives deserve more protection than non government citizens. Apparently the State employees think so.

If guns are banned, why will these public officials need guns? Don't they believe the law will be effective and there will be no need for the public officials to own guns? Of course not! Banning guns will be like banning drugs. The price for a gun will increase and the black-market for guns will flourish.

Those citizens who do not want to own a gun and want to ban guns are like domestic sheep who wants the State Shepherd to lead them to green pastures. They want the State Shepherd to provide them with a guard dog so they can all graze peacefully, and equally. The domestic sheep would rather produce for the State Shepherd instead of being free like wild sheep.

Little do the domestic sheep know the State Shepherd feeds itself and its guard dogs lamb chops.

Bilbo Baggins


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