Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, September 08, 2006

How to Fight Terrorism

The military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost billions and will cost billions more. Death and destruction has been the result. Also the United States has more enemies now than they had a few weeks after 9/11 when we had the sympathy of most of the world. With so many more enemies, it is only a matter of time until another disaster strikes the United States

A better strategy in winning the war on terror would be to address the poverty in the Arab world. On another blog I discussed forming the Iraq Oil Corporation and giving shares to each Iraqi adult male.

I doubt however if the world leaders want peace. They need some kind of crisis to make themselves important. Osama Bin Laden and President Bush are both enablers to each other.

In both Afghanistan and Iraq the large military helicopters should be used to deliver goods to the poverty stricken villages throughout the countries. These helicopters could be used to deliver donated goods by American companies. Each company would be assigned one or more helicopters, flown and operated by military personnel. The helicopters would have the company's name and logo painted in large letters on each side of the helicopter, along with the words United States of America. The companies could donate their products at cost and the military would pick them up at the factory and ship them to the villages.

Coca Cola could deliver cases of coke and have their name advertised. Apple Computer could donate ipods with their name and logo on the helicopter assigned to them. Proctor and Gamble, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and many other companies could donate products, which they would receive enormous positive publicity.

Pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Pfizer could donate medicine and medical supplies. Motorola could donate free cell phones, traceable of course.

Hewlett Packard could donate small portable computers. With a wireless network in different villages there would be opportunities to change the minds of young people and compete with the propaganda of the Imams.

If deliveries by helicopters becomes too dangerous, supplies could be dropped by parachute. The supplies would still have the company logo. Propaganda leaflets could be included in the supply drops.

It is much better for goods to cross borders than for armies to cross borders.

Bilbo Baggins


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