Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, August 21, 2006

How to fight radical Islam

The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern.
Lord Acton, Letter to Mary Gladstone, 1881

I saw Mr. Robert Spencer's presentation on C-SPAN last night and thought it very informative. Mr. Spencer is the Director of Jihad Watch. I was hoping he would present a strategy for fighting Islam, but I did not hear any. There are plenty of strategies around, well, maybe not. There seems only two, kill all Muslims or do nothing. The choices seem political correctness run amok or our own Jihad against Muslims. Maybe I jest, but-

Throughout history no group has survived that lived by force and aggression. Islam has been around for centuries but it is a failure as far as advancing the living standards of its members. Islam is nothing but a form of government force and it will not survive the idea that each man is born free to do as he chooses. It is similar to the old Communist party in Russia where a few told the many how to live. Like the leaders of Russia under communism, the leaders of Islam live better than the masses. The Muslim sheep are socialists, thinking in group mentality, believing it is in their best interest, like people still believe Communism is in their best interest.

This is why Islam has been left in the dust of ideas and technical advancement. The Muslim leaders are now using envy and revenge against the west's successes as a motivation to keep their members agitated, and to keep the money donations flowing in, as the Muslims leaders enjoy more power, and a better standard of living than the masses.

If we did nothing it does not mean Islam would flourish. Quite the opposite. Radical Islam will collapse like all other oppressive organizations have collapsed.

We should amend our constitution to, prohibit any religion that promotes violence against others. This would create an outcry from Muslim leaders but it would make millions of Muslims rethink their dedication to an organization that promotes violence against others.

We should turn over airline security to the airlines. They should be allowed to profile their passengers. Private security will be more effective if a company's survival is at stake. Airlines want to alienate as few customers as possible. The airline that makes the most customers happy and secure will survive. The government on the other hand treats all airline customers as if they are all potential terrorists. They treat relatives of 9/11 victims the same as they treat young Muslim males. The government even treats Jews as if they are the same threat as young Muslim men! Absurd is an understatement.

Bring all troops home and station them along our borders and ports to help keep out terrorists. Using force against an ideology in its own country will never succeed. The longer we stay there the more we lose, and the more the insurgency wins. It will cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives and the occupation will not end. The war against ideas of fear and superstition has been going on for centuries, and it will continue. How we fight this war should be sound and reasonable. It should not be a war of passion and fear.

Bilbo Baggins, -who is an expert on nothing, and reserves the right to be wrong, inconsistent, and hypocritical.


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