Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Wild dogs and domestic dogs

I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time. -Friedrich Nietzsche, (1844-1900)

If you asked a person from all political persuasions if they would rather live free as a wild dog or kept as a household pet, most would prefer to be a kept as a household pet.

Each person would agree the freedoms a wild dog has is not worth the price of the responsibility in trying to find food and shelter each day and the other difficulties freedoms bring. Most people prefer to give up their freedoms for the comfort and safety of being on a leash and being fed good food regularly.

Sometimes I see a dog off leash and running free. I marvel at the beauty. It reminds me of the dogs I had on the farm who could run like the wind and come back, panting with delight. Now I see other dogs inside a small condo who wish to run free. I wonder if the dog in the condo would give up its comfort and safety to be free.

I kept a dog while its owners were away for a few days. The dog was a work dog and was very nervous and high strung. I took it for many walks and gave it some training and worked with it. The dog seemed to respond to the world of work and order. When I took it home the dog did not want to go. I found out later the owners do not walk the dog. It just stays in the house and they put it on a long leash in the common area for the dog to relieve. The point is this dog is kept safe and comfortable, but, it cannot run like a dog loves to run.

Many people will choose the life of a domesticated dog. People always assume their master will be the kindest and most caring owner. Little do people realize that most masters of people have always been cruel tyrants. Cruel tyrants always said they had good intentions, as they did evil. Good people become bad people when given power.

When people think of complete freedom they think they will have to live like wild dogs. People are willing to give up a "little" freedom for a "little" safety. They think they can have both. They cannot as long as they voluntarily give up freedoms, slowly, a little at a time, one election at a time. After a few generations they have no freedoms, but, like the domestic dog, they cannot imagine surviving in freedom.

Humans do not have to fear freedom. Humans who are completely free will not have to live like wild dogs. Humans know how to grow and produce food and shelter. Humans love to create beautiful art and music. Humans have a brain that allows them to develop free trade and written rules, such as the Golden Rule. Humans can make rules with a pen instead of their fangs. Unfortunately most people make too many written rules thinking they will benefit from the rules. Instead they slowly lose. All people living with too many rules will soon suffocate from the rules. Then their lives will be much worse than the life of a wild dog.

Bilbo Baggins


Blogger Messed Up said...

all is very true.

4:53 PM  

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