Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Bounty Hunters

June 9, 2006,

Jason Grimsley, baseball player, (former) has been accused of using human growth hormone. Thirteen agents raided his home. I wonder why it takes so many government employees to do such an unimportant job. Maybe Grimsley has a big house! Still, I suspect if the raid had been done by a private security firm like "Dog the Bounty Hunter" it could have been accomplished with two or three people. Grimsley is not a threat to me so why do I have to pay all these government employees to do work that is unnecessary. These government employees could do some valuable work if they were patrolling our borders and keeping out terrorists.

I have no data on the following numbers. They are just casual observations. Whenever a dangerous felon is apprehended by government law enforcement they usually have 10-1 (estimated) or more advantage. When private bounty hunters go after a dangerous felon to collect the reward they only have a 3-1 (estimate) advantage. This is another example of how efficient the free market works.

Men, if you could use an illegal drug that would give you an edge in your profession; a stock analyst, writer, or consultant, and would help you earn a million dollars per year income, would you use the drug? I suspect most of you would because you are competitive, like the alpha males in a troop of baboons and a rooster in a hen yard.

Your competitiveness has created the telescope, beautiful art, and music. You have found the cure for diseases. You discovered the steam engine which allowed man time to read instead of working himself into an early grave. You discovered electricity, the electric starter, air conditioning and the printing press. You created the internet that allows us to share unfathomable amounts of data. Your competitiveness, the curse mother nature put on you, would not allow you to pass up an opportunity to win a million dollars per year? I bet you would take the drug.

Bilbo Baggins

In April, 13 agents, 10 from the Internal Revenue Service, two from the FBI and one from the Food and Drug Administration, moved in after the package of HGH was delivered.>


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