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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Point of No Return

The believer is happy; the doubter is wise. -Hungarian proverb

Mr. Thomas Sowell wrote and article titled "Point of No Return?"

I agree with Sowell's article that it is only a matter of time until a terrorists will use a nuclear device against its enemies. Like other war mongers, Sowell's theme is, "We are good, they are bad". Like other war mongers, Sowell never asks why terrorists hate us so much. His theory that they are humiliated by our success is more plausible than the old propaganda line, "They hate our freedoms".

War mongers like to scare us into giving up our freedoms for protection against some "crazy" terrorist. I would like to point out that the only nuclear bomb ever used was by a "sane" Christian democratically elected president, who used the WMD against a defeated and dying enemy.

Yes, there will be more terrorists attacks. However we must remember that governments kill more of their own people than do terrorists.

Most of the killing in unnecessary wars was done by "sane" leaders who were doing "good". Others were killing in "God's" name. None of these leaders were considered terrorists, but their horrors are a thousand times more than the horrors of terrorists.

It was sane men, Christians killing Christians, not terrorists, who killed 2% of the population in the U.S. Civil war, just because one group would not let another group leave. It was a sane man, not a terrorist, Woodrow Wilson, who contributed the death of millions in WWI, to spread democracy.

So how do we fight the hatred and humiliation many countries like North Korea and Venezuela feel towards the U.S.?

If suddenly the U.S. disbanded and became 50 independent countries without troops in the rest of the world, which country would North Korea want to attack? Probably none of the 50 countries. Instead they might concentrate on their long time enemy, Japan, in an attempt to gain through blackmail.

We should fly the unmanned predators over poor countries and drop leaflets that show the differences in the standard of living between North and South Korea and point out the reason South Koreans have such a better life is the free enterprise system.

We should drop leaflets over North Korea and Iran describing our Bill of Rights.

We should drop leaflets over Iran promoting reason instead of mythical religions and religions that promote violence.

As long as terrorists have a match there will be danger lurking. I am against appeasement of violence. I do think much bloodshed and horror could have been avoided if the Germans had not appeased Hitler's fear mongering.

Charles Tolleson


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