Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Massachusetts "Forced" Health Insurance

April 2006

I saw a news article that said 55% of respondents approve of the Massachusetts "Mandatory" requirements for consumers to purchase something, health insurance. I will wager that not 1% of the respondents to the poll has read the legislation. Try reading it at this location;
House Act No. 4850

No Fault Auto Insurance States have higher insurance costs and more fraud than States that do not. (click on Mar 29, 2005 report)
Wait and see how the cost of health insurance in MA increases! When the State forces consumers to buy something we know the item purchased will increase in price. Imagine if the State forced all consumers to sell something, a winter coat. The price of winter coats would decrease dramatically. assuming the supply was related. The government can demand you buy something, but the government cannot increase the supply of that product or service.

The young and healthy are forced to buy insurance when they might better use the money to buy a home. Their employer will have to buy health insurance so the employer will compensate by paying a smaller salary and hiring fewer employees.

More people insured means more medicine and more "Death by Medicine" at:

The insurance companies love the State forcing people to buy insurance products. The insurance companies can now do away with their sales staff since every citizens of MA must buy health insurance. I suspect the book publishers would like it if the State forced people to buy books.

Primitive tribes had equality. No property rights. Everything was communism. Some primitive tribes did no want our civilization because we had inequality. Our greed drove advancement, but it created inequality. Now we yearn for an egalitarian society. There must be something in our genes that desires equality. If everyone is "forced" to buy health insurance we must think we are better off.

Maybe the reason no strong centralized government has been established in Iraq is the same reason the founders of America did not want a centralized government. Maybe the people of Iraq do not want a government that can force them to buy something they do not want.

Bilbo Baggins, Insured


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