Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Immigration Issues

Suppose I had a home with a large backyard with a lot line that borders Mexico. One day I am standing at the edge of my yard, one foot from the Mexican border, and Juan is standing in his country, Mexico, two feet from me. Juan tells me he will cut my yard grass for a fee. Juan has no visa or work permit from our Federal Government. Should I be allowed to have Juan cut my grass for a fee? Should two people be allowed to enter into a free and voluntary exchange of goods and services?

The immigration problem started decades ago when the U. S. Federal Government started providing goods and services for "free". The Federal Government, with the support of the medical and hospital industry, requires any hospital that has an emergency room to treat anyone who shows up for treatment. Free food, free education, free shelter,etc. Free stuff attracts people. Somehow we think it is O. K. for a person in this country to force you, through the ballot box, to give them something, but it is not O. K. for a poor Mexican to receive something of yours for free. Either way, when the "government" gives someone something of yours, they use force to take it from you.

Even though the federal government polices have all eventually resulted in failure and loss of freedom, we continue to ask more from the Federal Government. It is obvious that many people are controlling, but, why do so many people want to be controlled? We seem to treat the Federal Government the way a biased mother treats a son who has never held a steady job and is always in trouble with the law. The mother insists her son is a "good boy". We continue to insist a government that operates only by force and aggression is a good organization.

We are all manipulated at one time or another, by an individual, or an organization. When Bud L and I were flying those horrible DC-8 schedules of night cargo and charter in the 70s, I was going through a divorce. I showed Bud a book by Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man, After reading the book Bud made an interesting comment which was, "What if I like being manipulated"? If one could see Bud's beautiful wife Carol, one would understand why Bud enjoys being manipulated by her! But why do so many people allow themselves to be manipulated by Kings, Imams, Popes, Rabbis, and con men?

Maybe we should invade Mexico and establish a real free market Republic that would create jobs and an economy that would keep the Mexicans at home. After all, the regime in Mexico has not provided for the poor and oppressed. This Mexican regime is a threat to our culture and national security. Any terrorists can land on the shores of Mexico with a dirty bomb and move it across our border. BOOM!

Six billion people can live in the state of Texas and each person would have over 1100 square feet of land. I can't wait until all the Mexicans move to the United States. When that happens I'm moving to Cabo San Lucas!

Muchas gracias.

Bilbo Baggins


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the government insist that employers hire U.S. citizens?
The government has convinced the populous that this mandate is in place to secure employment for U.S. citizens. The truth is that without a social security number, the government is unable to track the employee's income or the employer's payroll expense.

Simply put, it is about revenue, and the government wants it.

Let us assume that every illegal alien, with the wave of an omnipotent wand, was sent back to Mexico. Who would occupy those vacant positions? Have we raised a culture of young men that aspire to work 12 hour days under the sun doing hard labor? I think not.

I say, let 'em all in, but let the strong survive. The rest can go back. No freebies and no hand outs. Not for them or any one else for that matter.

While we are at it, let us eliminate social security numbers entirely. I'm tired of being tracked.


8:58 AM  

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