Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Independence Day 2008, not so independent

It's "Independence Day", July 4, 2008.

Do you feel independent? Do you have the right to explode a firecracker on your own property?

Do you have a right to keep what you produce and not have the Federal and State mobs confiscate up to 50% of your production? Compare the tax collection now to that 1-2.5% collected by the British from the colonists at the time the Declaration of Independence was written and tell yourself you are independent.

Do you feel like the State is your master, telling you what you can, should, or cannot do, or do you feel like you are the master and your government is your servant?

We will hear the usual platitudes about how wonderful the State is. We will see firework displays by the government on government property by government or government approved operators, but you as an individual are not independent enough to explode a small sparkler on your own property, legally, in most states and cities.

We will see the flags waving and the military jets flying over. None of this is honoring independence. It is honoring the state and their war abilities. The ceremonies will be to remind us of how protected we are, not how independent we are. The ceremonies will make us cheer and be proud to be a member of the big warring tribe that keeps us safe.

We even make laws about how we should worship the state (below). Why would the government make laws telling veterans, and military personnel out of uniform, they should salute the flag? Do they want more public recognition of compliance by the populace and more symbols of idolatry to the State?

People all over the world have fought for independence. To listen to American news one would think that only the Americans of 1776 fought for independence. Right now people in Iraq and Afghanistan are fighting for independence against the Martial Law imposed by the United States. Do we recognize their desperate fight for independence? No. We call them derogatory names and kill them.

It's time we have a day to celebrate real independence, self reliance and individualism.

Charles Tolleson

PL 110-181: Veterans may now render the military salute to the flag.U.S. Government Printing Office Web Site ^ 28 Jan 2008 United States Congress can tab down to Sec. 594 to verify if you wish.)
Public Law 110-181, Section 594:
Section 9 of title 4, United States Code, is amended by striking ``all persons present'' and all that follows through the end of the section and inserting the following: ``all persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes.''.


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