Freedom For You

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Forgotten Men

"When life demands more of people than they demand of life- as is ordinarily the case- what results is a resentment of life almost as deep-seated as the fear of death." Tom Robbins

Everyone has a reason for the violence in schools of the United States, so I will give my reasons. Revenge and publicity.

We should try to see what is different in today's society from societies past. Guns come to mind, but guns were more common in the past than are now. Every household used to have a gun. Now only about 35% of households have guns.

In rural America all households use to have guns, and dogs for warnings. Farmers did not lock their doors, but burglaries were rare. If a burglar came around the dogs would bark and the farmer would get his gun. Therefore fewer burglaries happened.

In the past the divorce rate was very low. Very few boys were raised alone by their single mother. Bastard children were shunned. Women who had children out of wedlock were disgraced. Families were larger. Aunts and Uncles were around to help analyze bad behavior.

Boys of the past were treated with respect. In today's feminized society, boys are demonized and ridiculed. Many boys do not have a male role model around to tell them their masculinity is normal. Instead the female authorities are telling the boys their behavior is abnormal.

The desire to mainstream all personalities as normal has made it difficult to restrain some abnormal behavior. With more divorces and increased population it only stands to reason there will be more disturbed children, therefore more events of violence, though the rate of violence may not change. In fact, the rate has declined during the past decade.

Every man wants to be remembered after they are dead. Only a few will be remembered past their grandchildren. Most men are forgotten. The creators and tyrants are remembered.

Violent acts of revenge towards mankind used to be localized. With the mass media of today, misanthropic acts can be shown to the whole world.

With video technology of today, it is easy for one to become famous and remembered if they resort to violence. Just look at how a loser at the latest school shooting, (I will not give his name so he will not be recognized, which is what he wanted) got to make a rambling speech to the whole world through his self generated video. It is only a matter of time when another loser will use the same technique to avoid being forgotten in history. In order to be remembered the violent act must be grander than the previous acts.

World leaders act the same as school shooters. The ones who start and engage in wars are remembered. Those who bring peace and prosperity are forgotten.

Bilbo Baggins


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