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Friday, August 24, 2007

Spreading Democracy and spreading Religion

Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods were made so easily, and the raw material cost so little, that generally the god market was fairly glutted and heaven crammed with these phantoms. Robert Ingersoll

I found this paragraph somewhere on the Internet. CT

A congratulatory note was sent to President Wilson after the delivery of his war message on April 2, 1917. The note was sent by Wilson's son-in-law and fellow Southern pietist and progressive, Secretary of the Treasury William Gibbs McAdoo, a man who had spent his entire life as an industrialist in New York City, solidly in the J.P. Morgan ambit. McAdoo wrote to Wilson: "You have done a great thing nobly! I firmly believe that it is God's will that America should do this transcendent service for humanity throughout the world and that you are His chosen instrument." Cited in Gerald Edward Markowitz, "Progressive Imperialism: Consensus and Conflict in the Progressive Movement on Foreign Policy, 1898–1917." PhD diss., University of Wisconsin, 1971, p. 375

Comparisons of Iraq and Vietnam fail to mention the role religion played in both wars, like Woodrow Wilson in WW I.

In both Iraq and Vietnam, Christianity was to be protected and promoted.

In South Vietnam, President Ngo Dinh Diem, our choice, was a devout Catholic. Diem and JFK, both Catholics, met before Kennedy became president. Kennedy was impressed by Diem. Diem and the rest of the Christian community needed to be protected from the Communist Atheists. (A Lesson from Vietnam). Diem turned out to be a disaster for the U. S.

The United States has backed dictators and oppressive governments of all religions, but the United States has never backed an atheist government.

The attempt to spread Christianity continues. It is disguised as spreading democracy and freedom. If 99% of Americans were radical Christians, the President would invade other countries and simply say he was spreading the word of God in an attempt to save the souls of other people.

If all people living in democracies were Atheists, they would care less about spreading democracy, except to people who were oppressed by a theocracy.

After the goal of spreading democracy in Iraq fails, watch for the U. S. to back a strong one man ruler, like the late Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam. The strongman the U. S. installs in place in Iraq will have to allow Christian missionaries in Iraq to "spread" Christianity.

There was no "spreading of democracy" that brought religion to Europe. It was religious oppression and intolerance that created democracy in the colonies and Europe. Western philosophers said man was not a slave to God or King.

Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice called on Vietnam to have more religious freedom. Does she want Vietnam to allow Islam to flourish in Vietnam? Since she is a devout Christian, guess which religion she wants to export to Vietnam!

The Vietnamese have a centuries old Buddhist religion. It was interrupted by the Portuguese and French invaders who imposed a violent religion on the Asian people. Maybe the Vietnamese know the violent history of Christianity and Islam and prefer their brand of religion, Buddhism.

Shortly after the Iraq invasion three Christian missionaries were killed in Iraq. Recently Korean Christian missionaries were captured in Afghanistan. Today, almost 13,000 South Koreans are serving as long-term missionaries in countries around the world.

From Wikipedia- "According to 2006 statistics compiled by the South Korean government, about 34.3% of citizens profess to follow no particular religion. Christians account for 14% of the population and Buddhists 50.7%."

Onward Christian Soldiers.

Update, September 15, 2007 - I just saw Senator John McCain's mother on TV. She said her son John did not have to make a second tour to Vietnam where he was shot down and captured. He went because, in her words, he had a duty to God and country. I never thought I would hear someone in the modern west speak of fighting for God. I guess Muslim mothers are telling their sons to fight for Allah and Islam. Senator McCain was the son and grandson of WW II admirals. One can see how sons are brainwashed into fighting in unnecessary wars.

Update, May 18, 2008- Spreading democracy in South Korea certainly helped spread Christian zealotry, but protecting a bastion of Christianity had a heavy price. Thousands of sympathizers of North Korea wanted their country reunited as it had been for a thousand years. The conservative South Korean puppet government, mass murdered thousands of innocent people, while the Christian United States looked on.

Charles Tolleson


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